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To dangerous to pass

How often can your side make a Grand Slam, yet not take a single bid? Tony Scouller reports this fascinating deal from towards the end of a Devonshire Cup match between the RAC Club and Brooks.

South Deals
None Vul
K 10 9 8 7 3
10 7 6 4
J 6 5
10 9 8 5 3 2
A Q 5 2
W   E
A 2
8 7 5 2
A Q 7 6 4
K 3
Q 4
A Q 10 9 6 4 3
J 9 8
West North East South
Pass 1 ♠ Pass1 3 
Pass 4  Pass Pass
  1. The RAC were winning the match, so
    East doesn’t chance a bid for fear of going
    for a huge penalty. Rarely has the motto “too
    dangerous to pass” been more applicable.
4  by South

West North East South
Pass 1 ♠ Dbl1 3 
5  5  6 2 Pass3
Pass Pass3
  1. Does well to act, but ought really to bid
     2, rather than double. When the opponents
    have bid two suits, a take-out double
    normally shows four+ cards in both unbid
    suits; here East has just two clubs.
  2. Great shot, correctly placing partner
    with a void heart given the vigorous opposing
    heart bidding.
  3. At least the RAC N-S didn’t double.
6  by West


The Devonshire Cup, for non- Bridge Clubs, is unique: the two tables play two separate rubbers but using the same sequence of deals. As soon as a rubber is completed at one table, play is immediately halted at the other.

At Table One N-S sailed into 4 , which E-W defended very well. East won West’s diamond lead and switched to the king of clubs, winning the trick. At trick three he carefully cashed the ace of spades before leading his second club, partly to clarify the defence but also to elicit the third undertrick...

West won trick four with the queen of clubs and cashed the ace, East able to discard the two of spades to void himself. At trick six West led a second spade, which East was able to ruff. Although declarer could score the remainder – he was down to his seven trumps – that was a swift down three.

I expect the smile was somewhat wiped off E-W’s faces as they realised what they could have made. At Table Two E-W for Brooks got close, West declaring 6 .

There was no way for the defence to win even a trick. Declarer (West) ruffed the heart lead and crossed to the ace of trumps, felling South’s king (the one decision required to make all 13 tricks). He cashed three rounds of clubs throwing dummy’s small spade, crossed to the ace of spades and claimed the rest on a crossruff. 13 tricks and small slam made plus one: a big swing at the Rubber Bridge scoring.

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