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Answer 42

Three possible hands are given for South, but only one is consistent with their bids. Which one? What would the others hands have bid differently? Neither side is vulnerable.

North   East   South   West


Hand a)
♠ A J 6 4 3 2
Q 9 4 2
K 2
Hand b)
♠ A 10 8 7 5 3 2
J 2
Hand c)
♠ K J 8 4 3
Q 9 2
Q 4 2


b) is correct.
  • Hand (b) is far short of a 3 rebid, with its barren 7222 shape with junky soft cards in the short suits. The jump to 3 shows 16+ points (and six+ spades) which can be upgraded holding a seventh card and a decent 14 points or so, but not this hand. 2 is sufficient unto the day. 
  • Hand (a) should rebid 2, it being generally better to introduce a cheaper four-card second suit in preference to repeating a six-card suit. 
  • Hand (c) should not be opened 1 in the first place, because of the rebid problem. Open 1NT – after all you do have a balanced (5332 is a balanced shape) 12-14 points. Your rebid problems are now over.
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