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Answer #47

Three possible hands are given for South, but only one is consistent with their bidding. Which one? What would the others hands have bid differently? Both non-vulnerable.

North   East   South   West
1 ♠
1 NT

Hand a)
♠ K J 9
A J 5 2
♦ J 10 5
8 6 2
Hand b)
♠ Q 4
8 5 3 2
Q J 2
K 9 3 2
Hand c)
♠ 10 3 2
J 9 8 2
A K 9 4 2


c) is correct.
  • Your 1NT bid shows a good 7 to 10. Normally without a fit in either diamonds or spades (partner having shown 5-4). 
  • Hand (c) fits the bill well. Note that you were correct to bid 1, not 2, as you lack the strength to respond in a new suit at the two-level. Note also that your 1NT does not have to be balanced (as you see).
  • Hands (a) and (b) both have known 5-3 diamond fits. With (a) you should bid 3, to show 10-12 points (if you were bidding notrumps, you’d bid Two, but that’s out of the question given your lack of club stopper).
  • With (b) you should bid 2, showing 6-9 points.
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