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Responding to a Suit Opener – without a fit (1)

Without four cards in the suit your partner opened, the basic principle is to “bid a suit to a suit”, ie bid your longest suit at the lowest level. When you have two equally long suits, you should bid the cheaper of fours (to give the partnership maximum chance to find a 4-4 fit), but the higher-ranking of fives (you’ll bid the lower one next, thus finishing the two-stage process more economically).  

Exercise: Partner opens 1. What would be your response holding these?

Hand a) Hand b) Hand c) Hand d)
♠ Q 6 4 2
KJ 4 3
♦ 93
9 6 4
A 9 4 2
Q 4
♦ J 9 7 3
10 5 2
♠ K 5 2
 Q J 7 5 4
♦ 5
9 8 5 2
♠ A 9 8 5 2
Q 9 6 3 2
K 2

Please click here for  the answer

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