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Lead to the Lower Honour first

Sometimes, in your attempt to promote cards by finessing, you are missing two or more key honours.


(a) AQ10 facing 432
(b) KJ2 facing 432
(c) Q109 facing 432
(d) AJ9 facing 432

assuming you are simply trying to maximise your tricks (as opposed to aiming for a particular number), then the principle is the same for all four:
Finesse against the lower missing honour first.

(a). Lead to the ten, finessing against the jack. If the ten wins, cross back to the weak hand, and lead to the queen.
(b). Lead to the jack, finessing against the queen. If the jack wins, cross back, and lead to the king.
(c). Lead to the nine, finessing against the jack. If that loses to the king/ace, cross back and lead to the ten.
(d). Lead to the nine, finessing against the ten. If that loses to the queen/king, cross back and lead to the jack.
North Deals
N-S Vul
7 4 2
J 7 6
Q J 9 7
9 6
A K 5 2
10 6 3
J 9 6 3
W   E
K J 8
Q 9 3
8 4 2
7 5 4 2
A Q 10 5 3
10 8 4
A K 5
10 8
West North East South
  1 N Pass 3 1
Pass 4 2 Pass Pass
  1. Showing five spades, and a gamegoing hand (no Transfers being played).
  2. Eight-card major-suit fit.

What happened
West kicked off with  A, receiving an encouraging “throw high means aye”  9 from East. He cashed  K, then led over to East’s  Q. At Trick Four East switched to  8, and declarer required the rest.
Winning dummy’s  J, declarer led  2 to East’s  8 and his  Q. The finesse against  K was successful, but East’s  KJ now had to score a trick. Down one.
What should have happened
Needing to avoid a trump loser, declarer wins  J and leads  2 to  8 and... 10. He needs East to have both  K and  J to prevent there being a loser, and is lucky this time.  10 (a finesse against the lower missing honour - i.e.  J) wins, so he crosses back to  Q, plays  4 to  J and  Q, cashes  A felling  K, and claims the remainder in top tricks. 10 tricks and
game made.
If you remember just one thing...
When missing two or more key honours, it is usually best to try to finesse against the lower one first.

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