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Which Zone are you in?

Responder is in a good position if opener has bid and repeated his suit. For opener has then described his shape - implying a six-card suit - and strength - up to 15 points for a lowest-level repeat, and 16+ points for a jump repeat. Most of the time (i.e. when responder has two+ cards in opener’s suit), there is a fit. The only remaining issue is zone: part-score, game or slam (six and seven level).

Part-score = up to 24 points.
Game = 25-32 points*.
Slam = 33+ points*.
*Less with good fit and shape.

Say the auction has begun 1 -1 -2 -? Which zone(s) would you
place the following responders:

Hand A   Hand B   Hand C
♠ A Q 6 4 2
J 10
K 6 3
8 5 2
  ♠ A J 7 5 2
Q 9
8 6
A Q 3 2
  ♠ A K 9 3
K Q 5
A 7
A 10 9 7

(A) Part-score/Game. Invite game by raising to 3 .
(B) Game. Bid 4 .
(C) Slam. Bid 6 .

South Deals
E-W Vul
A K 9 3
K Q 5
A 7
A 10 9 7
8 5
9 8 7 2
Q 10 8 6 4 2
W   E
Q 10 7 6 4 2
5 3
K Q 6 5 4
A J 10 6 4 3
K J 9
J 8 3
West North East South
Pass 1  Pass 2 1
Pass 4 2 Pass Pass
  1. Six cards and up to 15 points.
  2. Mistake. Not enough.

What happened
In 4 , West’s  2 lead was ducked in dummy. East won  Q and returned  6, West ruffing. Declarer won West’s  8 return in dummy, drew trumps, and claimed 11 tricks. Game made plus one

What should have happened
West North East South
Pass 1  Pass 2 
Pass 6 1 Pass Pass
  1. Correct - there are (almost) 33 Partnership points, and no worry about aces (hence no need to use the Blackwood ace-asking 4 NT convention).

With the stakes higher (in 6 ), declarer wins  2 lead with dummy’s  A (key play). He cashes  K and sees East discard. He then cashes  A, crosses to  K, and trumps  J. He leads to  AJ10, drawing West’s trumps, and can throw one of his losing clubs on dummy’s second spade winner. 12 tricks* and small slam made. *In fact if declarer plays out all his trumps, East will be squeezed in the black suits and declarer will make all 13 tricks.

If you remember just one thing... 
When opener repeats his suit, assess which zone you as responder are in, and bid accordingly.

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Call NOW: 0207 471 4626