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After intervention, stick to your planned bid

After intervention, stick to your planned bid

In other words, don't let the opponents push you up. Say you open 1 with :

K 3
A K J 5
Q 8 3 2
K 6 2

Partner responds 1 and you are just about to rebid lNT (15-16 balanced) when right-hand opponent bids 2 . Drat - you can no longer bid 1 NT. Many players now make the mistake of rebidding 2 NT, but that shows 17-18 balanced: just as it would after 1 -(P)-1 -(P)-2 NT. You should instead pass 2 -partner is still there. He knows you have opened the bidding, so will not pass lightly.

Exercise: You open 1, partner responds 1 and right-hand opponent bids 2  as an overcall. What now with these?

Hand (i) Hand (ii) Hand (iii)
A 3
6 2
A K J 7 3 2
K Q 3
Q J 2
K J 9 7 4 2
A K 2
K J 2
A 3
K Q 4 2
K 6 3 2
  • (i) Bid 3 . Just as you would in 1 -(P) -1-(P)-3 . By being a jump over partner's 1  response, you are showing 16+ points and six diamonds.
  • (ii) Pass. Not 3 . As we see in (i), bidding 3  means the same whether or not the opponent bids 2 : ie 16+ points.
  • (iii) 2 . You cannot bid 2 NT - that would show 17- 18. But although you were planning to rebid lNT (which you cannot now do), you can be somewhat flexible and try 2 . It may be a 4-3 fit, but passing seems a bit supine.
North Deals
None Vul
A 4 2
6 4
A K J 10 4 2
A 10
Q 10 3
K Q J 7 3 2
K 8 3
9 8 7
9 5
Q 8 7 5
Q 6 5 4
K J 6 5
A 10 8
9 6
J 9 7 2
West North East South
  1  Pass 1 
2  3 1 Pass 3 N2
Pass Pass Pass  
  1. The same as if West had not bid 2  (ie a jump over partner's 1  response), this shows 16+ pts and six diamonds.
  2. 25 partnership points and a heart stopper

Declarer ducked West's  K lead, then had to decide whether to win his  Q continuation. The danger of ducking would be if West found a club switch - which would set up two club tricks in addition to two heart tricks and, later  Q.

Declarer correctly won  A at trick two and led and passed  9. Assuming East had no third heart (quite likely given West's 2  bid), he did not mind losing this finesse. East won  Q but could only exit passively with  8. Taking no risks, declarer cashed his diamonds plus  AK and  A. Nine tricks and game madde.

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