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Bidding low point count slams F.A.S.T.

More Ditties BridgeCast this week from Level 3. BridgeCast is Andrew's monthly subscription service, join him as he presents a daily deal. To find out more click here. Taken from  Andrew's "Rules, Acronyms and Ditties" book which is, providing the inspiration, for his current series of Level 3 daily videos on BridgeCast.

33 partnership high-card points is the accurate guideline for 6 NT. However small slams in trump suits can frequently be made with far fewer – 12 tricks are possible about one deal in 15, yet 33 points are held by a partnership fewer than one deal in 100.

Here are four of the key ingredients for bidding a low point-count suit slam. As the “FAST” acronym implies, you can do so quickly too...

Fit – the ninth (and tenth) trumps are very valuable. Sometimes just an eight-card fit leaves you too much work to do.

Aces – clearly you need at least three (unless you have a void) but also think of an ace as more than twice as valuable as a queen.

Shape – or Shortage. Singletons and voids are of huge value, as are long side-suits.

Two-quick-loser suits – bidding a small slam when the opponents can cash the ace-king of a suit is unsound. Try to have first or second round control in each suit (ie ace, king or shortage).

You open 1  and partner bids 3 . Which of these pass the FAST test?

Hand i) Hand ii) Hand iii)
A K Q 6 2
J 8
K Q J 7
Q 7

A Q 6 5 2
K J 4
A J 7

A Q 9 7 2
A Q 10 7
A Q 4

(i). You fail the FAST test – settle for 4 . You have just one ace, no shortage and both hearts and clubs are two-quick-loser suits.

(ii) You fail the FAST test – settle for 4 . 5332 is a relatively barren shape and you have a two-quick-loser club suit.

(iii) You pass the FAST test – bid 6 . Excellent 5431 shape, three aces and no two-quick-loser suit. Just go straight to 6 : no real need for any investigation.

South Deals
None Vul
K J 10 2
8 5 2
K 8 5 2
K 3
K 10 7 6
Q J 10 7
9 8 7 6
W   E
8 6 3
J 9 4
A 9 6 3
10 4 2
A Q 9 5 4
A Q 3
A Q J 5
West North East South
Pass 3  Pass 6 1
Pass Pass Pass  
  1. Passes the FAST test with flying colours. Note that there is no need to ask for aces via Blackwood 4 NT as you cannot be missing two.

West led  Q v 6 , winning, and continued with  J. Declarer ruffed and sought to avoid the heart finesse – by ruffing all his diamonds in hand: a Dummy Reversal. He crossed to  10 and ruffed  8 (with  A); he crossed to  J and ruffed  K (with  Q). He led over to  K, cashed  K drawing East’s last trump and led back to  AQJ and  A. 12 tricks and slam made.

Interestingly, if West switches to a black card at trick two, declarer lacks the entries for the Dummy Reversal and must resort to the – failing – heart finesse. Down one.

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